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Discord invite link !
Game Rules EmptySat Sep 01, 2018 12:21 am by Art
Click here to join Discord channel

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Few words about us
Game Rules EmptyTue Jul 24, 2018 5:25 pm by Art
Hello dear friends,

Art-RSC is a server made for the purpose of having a fun time togather, for some of us it's a place where to forget about all the hardships of life and bring back some of the childhood moments when we did not care about anything but for others can be a place where to start their gaming adventure. Togather with Merder and Iocucoasa1 which are two of my best friends decided …

Comments: 2
Subscription benefits
Game Rules EmptyFri Aug 03, 2018 10:44 am by Art
Subscription fee is 5$/month and it apply just for 1 account !

Accepted payment methods : Paypal

By being subscriber you will get the following benefits :

1. 20 minutes AFK time instead of 10 minutes (for normal players);

2. 0.5x higher xp rates than normal accounts;

3. Access to 2 new islands for training and skilling which can be reached by typeing ::island;

*** NOTE : There …

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 Game Rules

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Posts : 17
Join date : 2017-11-09
Age : 34
Location : Nowhere

Game Rules Empty
PostSubject: Game Rules   Game Rules EmptyTue Jul 24, 2018 4:55 pm

• Rule 1. - Racism/Sexist comments will not be tolerated and will result in a PERMANENT Mute.

• Rule 2. - Profanity of any kind will be tolerated, but not if said profanity is directed towards other members. This will result in a mute ranging from 3-5 days depending on the severity of the offense.

• Rule 3. - Advertising of any kind is not allowed and is taken very seriously, if you are caught advertising you will be IPBanned forever.

• Rule 4. - Using any kind of Third Party software to access the game such as macro's or cheat clients will result in the user being Permanently IPBanned.

• Rule 5. - Do not ask members of the staff team to "Warp" or "Spawn" you items as they are not allowed to do so under ANY circumstance.

• Rule 6. - Bug Abuse is not going to be tolerated, if you find a bug post it on the forums or report to Admin/Moderators.

• Rule 7. - Trading Art-RSC items for anything not related to Art-RSC is prohibited.

• Rule 8. - The act of sharing your account or items is at your own risk, we have no obligation to return items if you loose them due to item lending/Account sharing.

• Rule 9. - Item Scamming or Duplication is prohibited and will result in a 20 day ban and a full account wipe.
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